Tuesday, December 6, 2011

ok... venting.. there are few things that really bug the ever living crap out of me. One is people who have a bad attitude. I honestly try to stay really positive and it really annoys me when people just come down on other people. Also I hate it when people think that they are all that and a bag of chips. It is like you need to humble yourselves just a little. I'm sorry but its like you need to understand that you aren't the best at it and that there are things even you can improve on... its being a team player about stuff!!!! I'm sorry that I am venting about this but its like there are certain people that I tend to have to be around quite a bit that have these characteristics and it drives me up the wall!!!!! Oh and another thing that bugs me to is the whole California drivers stink at driving in the snow.... I have lived here for almost 5 years and its not us friends.... its you!

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